Not often do I have time at home alone. In my relationship we do most things together but we're often "on the go". The kiddo often comes & goes & has a clown car full of little heathens traipsing behind him, often making our home feel like a 3 ring circus. That is all fine & dandy, I like company, but when that time comes, which is rare, that I get a day or two to myself, it never pans out like my pea brain plans it. And I'm a damn good planner, it's just the follow through that is lacking at times.
So I had from Saturday morning until Sunday evening to myself. I planned on doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen, doing the grocery shopping, vacuuming the carpets, cleaning the office & hitting the gym in between all that. Let's see how I did...
Uh.. laundry... well I did a load of towels so that deserves a
Awesome, next. Kitchen... I threw away last Sunday's newspaper so again 
I'm rocking this. Grocery shopping... I've gotten the list done & the meals planned so I get a pat on the back for effort?
Vacuuming... Yea I can't even try to muddle through this one. Survey says!!!
Clean the office... well I had to do the list & everything else so why bother right now?? Sheesh, gimme a freakin' break already. Gawd.
The gym... Uh... well... it's on my list today so don't judge me just yet. Besides, I have a paycheck there so that makes it all worth the while. I didn't say "work out" people, so get your info right, I said "hitting the gym". So there.
Not too shabby.
I should have put shower on that list. Why bother, we all know I'm not going anywhere.
I played games online ... Chefville is my new addiction but just for this weekend, I won't have time when life kicks into gear again so I will have spoiled dishes & wilted plants, kinda like real life.
I Pinned because I am a pin-whore Come Stalk Me!
I played with my furry friends ♥
I hung with my family jammin' to some local tunes Voxology - they are amazing.
So the time spent was not a wash, I enjoyed the solitude but will be glad to have the fam back..... until we meet again quiet time.
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