Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dates You Wish You Could Forget....

July 20th

Five years ago today my father (aka Pa) passed away.
The worst day of my life. 
I wish I could forget. 
Forget that day
Forget this date. 
But I can't & probably won't. 
It doesn't necessarily get "easier", you just cope better I guess. 
I miss his smile, his baby blue eyes, his prickly whiskers & shiny sun burnt bald spot.
I just really, really miss him...♥

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's About That Time!!!!!

It's About That Time!!
 It's here & I'm skeered.
But determined.
Unfortunately at this given time I'm battling major hip issues that's causing possible bruising & clotting in my upper thigh, this is probably not a good thing.

That being said, I AM going to have it checked out & hopefully SOON I will be able to have the ever so sexy Shaun T kick my ass.

Speaking of, do you know this lovely, hunk of chocolate is GAY? Gotta say, I didn't see that one. I am having the technician come out tomorrow to check my gay-dar, something has got to be wrong. AND not only is he gay, he has a rather yummy husband. Please drool below...